« You go to Bali the first time because you want to, but you return because you love it ». This quote perfectly sums up the relationship we had with the Island of Gods for over twenty years ! So it was only natural that we want to build a villa there. In 2021, we decided to make our project a reality. As architects, we designed the villa of our dreams and entrusted Magnitude Construction with this construction. The construction honours local materials such as palimanan stone, ulin wood, bedeg or alang-alang and noble materials such as marble and terrazzo. Finally, we have paid particular attention to the choice of works from local crafts. Balinese stone statues and temples, gamelan gongs, masks of divinities and carved wooden discs are all elements that honour Balinese culture.

Balinese culture guided us in all our choices. Ubud, the cultural, artistic and authentic capital of Bali, was an obvious choice. It’s a charming town where life is good. Its central location means it’s easy to get to anywhere on the island. The popular Sayan district appealed to us for its traditional character. Its inhabitants goes to great lengths to create beauty all around them. Everything is decorated, gardened and presented with exceptional refinement.
The architecture of the villa is resolutely contemporary, inspired by traditional Balinese houses. There are several buildings with different functions, with indoor and outdoor living areas. The orientation and location of the rooms reflect Balinese cultural and spiritual beliefs and promote a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Balinese culture is also reflected in the choice of name for the villa: « Pure Kenanga ». The Balinese attach a unique importance to flowers, which give rhythm to their spiritual life and perfume their daily lives. In Indonesia, it is known as the « flower of flowers ». Ylang-ylang (Kenanga in Indonesian) is the flower of a lifetime. Its sensual, voluptuous fragrance has always symbolized love and the bonds of marriage. It is associated with many Indonesian rites and rituals. Its fragrant yellow flowers traditionally adorn the bride’s hair and are scattered over the bridal bed. « Pure Kenanga » celebrates this calming, relaxing and aphrodisiac flower.

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